Monday, December 25, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
These pics shall tell half the story (:

benny (prostrating) & weng, they cant sit properlythis is jianyong. lol so xtra
picture perfect! - Antithesis
the fruit of our labour. A shoulder to waist strap.
Congratulations Angela!
Posted by Dexter at 7:01 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
for many are called, but few are chosen
Indeed there are many. They once followed Jesus but have gone astray. They left the church misled by their flesh. They left the church disappointed with God. They have forgotten the blessings that God once poured into their lives. They can only recall that God did not take them out of their sufferings. A setback incurred their own foolishness. They chose to become bitter instead of better.
If God doesnt take you out of a difficult situation, he will always help you through it. This is not optimism, this is the truth. And of course with our stains, the truth is always hard to accept. Sometimes we cannot fathom God's motives. But his ways are greater than anyone's. Why doubt him with your own intellect, when you can trust in Him and get back on track! (=
"God has the bird's-eye view. We have the worm's-eye view." - Ps. Ulf Ekman
Posted by Dexter at 3:35 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 11, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
seems like i have not been blogging for awhile. (im lazy as lazy can be..) There are alot of things going on too. I just had a tough time choosing my electives and cluster. Argh.hahaha.. talking about the Nba, i have not been following it recently. Its not as exciting now compared to last time, especially the MJ era. Now who is who i have already lost touch. Anyway this pic above is good. (=
yeah have been chionging prison break season 1. Superb man! A must watch. Brilliant plot, great actors. Season 2 next..!
---ok im off to study.zz
Posted by Dexter at 12:23 AM 0 comments