Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Back! I had a "good" short break over the weekend in M'sia.

Btw, I found out that the NP guys did not made it to the soccer finals of emerge. What a full-blown disappointment...

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Here, an extract from someone's blog.
"We cannot base our life on a lie. Everything will collapse. We must base our life on the written Word of God and also what God has spoken to us. Then we shall be like a rock. Strong and steady."

How well said. Some things are just unethical. You can go all out to gain financial success, but money can't buy you peace. The biggest lie is to cover the truth from yourself. Thank God I emerged unscathed, in time.

But i guess it is a worthy lesson. Man are so easily influenced by things of this world. A perfect and glamorous shell with a sorry soul. Sadly, this is what the devil grants.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I feel so weary. Not physically though. So tired of being in a highly comfortable zone; (as Gary termed "home").

What is wrong? Why everything seems to be stagnanting (or in fact backsliding)? How can I pull it through? When will it be over? Looking around, many things are happening. But ultimately where do i stand?

I can keep going on like this because it is comfortable, but this isnt where I am suppose to be. No, it cant be. I know it isnt wise to act on our feelings. But doing the right things, easier said than done. All i know is that the desire is long gone. Then again I have to search for it, by hook or crook. If you know what I am looking for, pray for me. =)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My fav actress. Just gorgeous.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Their dream was a tower. A tower that would be taller than anyone had ever dreamed. A tower that would punch through the clouds and scratch the heavens.
"I'll only need to do it this once," justifies the salesman as he lies about his product.
Blind ambition. Distorted values.
God wont tolerate it. He didn't then and he won't now. He took the "Climb to Heaven Campaign" into his hands. With one sweep he painted the tower gray with confusion and sent workers babbling in all directions. He took man's greatest achievement and blew it into the winds like a child blows a dandelion.
Are you building any towers? Examine your motives. And remember the statement imprinted at the base of the windswept Tower of Babel: Blind ambition is a giant step away from God and one step closer to catastrophe.

-an extract from God Came Near by Max Lucado